Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Good Morning

Well it's the morning after the night before. I slept through most of the night, in no small part due to only getting 4 hours the night before and coming down from a major caffeine high at around 10:00 pm. I was up for a bit around 1:00am and at that time it was pretty intense, probably a bit windier than I've seen. Most of the trees in between the two sets of buildings here are badly damaged, and a couple uprooted. No good info on damage elsewhere, but we certainly didn't get the worst of it. All I can do at the moment is chill out (no power yet, but cellphone coverage so internet), and wait for the authorities to say what's happening. I suspect/hope that they let us stay here another night so I have time to find a place to stay here in Townsville. Not particularly in the mood to go back to Port Douglas at the moment, and Cairns was not really very interesting. I'm sure there's diving schools here as well, but I wonder what the reef looks like after this storm.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you didn't blow away! Visibility in the ocean will likely be terrible for a few days.
